Demeter Quiz: questions and answers

Demeter Quiz: questions and answers
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Demeter was a goddess of fertility and agriculture in Greek mythology. She was one of the most revered goddess in Ancient Greece.

Demeter quiz consists of 10 questions and answers about this mythical goddess.

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1. Demeter is a deity of:

Agriculture, harvest, fertility and sacred law

2. Who is her father?


3. Who is her mother?


4. How many siblings does Demeter have?


5. How many children does she have?


6. Demeter's virgin daughter Persephone was abducted to the underworld by:


7. Where do cults to Demeter exist?

Both are true

8. Demeter has various names. What is the meaning of the name Sito?

"she of the grain"

9. Which of her names means "the green shoot"?


10. Who is her Roman equivalent?

