Douglas Fir Quiz: questions and answers

Douglas Fir Quiz: questions and answers
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1. What is a Douglas fir?

A pine

2. What is the region of Douglas fir growth?

Western North America

3. Who Douglas firs were named after?

David Douglas

4. Where was David Douglas from?


5. What is the scientific name of Douglas fir?

Pseudotsuga menziesii

6. In which of the following countries Douglas firs cannot be found?


7. How tall are Douglas firs?

20 - 100 metres (65 - 330 ft)

8. Which family do Douglas fir belongs to, in tern of its scientific classification?


9. How long do Douglas firs leave?

2 - 4 centimetres

10. What is the name of the traditional Hawaiian canoe built from Douglas fir logs?

Wa’a kaulua
