Pop Music Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers

Pop Music Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers
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Pop music is a special part of media culture that unites different entertaining music genres which started to appear in the second half of the XIX century.

The Pop Music Quiz consists of ten multiple choice trivia questions and answers relates to the topic. Will you be able to answer each one correctly?

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1. Who was the frontman of the All-Stars band?

Junior Walker

2. Whose born name is Robyn Fenty?


3. Which city hosted The Beatles at the Top Ten Club?


4. Which pop singer appeared in the film Battleship?


5. When was Green Day’s album Dookie released?


6. When did the American Idol show start?


7. Which TV show had Justin Timberlake appeared before becoming a pop star?

The Mickey Mouse Club

8. Who is Stacy Ferguson?


9. Where was Shakira born?


10. Who had The Mrs. Carter Show World Tour in 2013-2014?

