Quiz What’s Growing in the Bed? Guess from a Picture!

Quiz What’s Growing in the Bed? Guess from a Picture!
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The garden and the vegetables and fruits grown in it give us great pleasure. They are much tastier and healthier than purchased, they have more vitamins and other useful elements. And the process of growing them has a beneficial effect on our nervous system.

The Quiz "What’s Growing in the Bed? Guess from a Picture!", which we invite you to take today, consists of questions of varying difficulty. Each one has a picture and a hint. Test your knowledge!

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1. The fleshy petioles of this plant are used as food. They are used to make jams, compotes, use as a filling for pies and add to salads instead of asparagus.


2. In the mythology of many peoples, the scent of this plant is used to protect against vampires. It is said to help... ;)


3. This plant has been used as a food by humans since the Bronze Age and even the Stone Age. It was on this plant that Gregor Mendel conducted his experiments when he discovered the basic laws of inheritance.


4. This plant is grown in vegetable gardens around the world, but it has not been found in the wild. Only unripe fruits are used as food.


5. The fruits of this plant contain a lot of water, up to 94-96% water. They are rich in potassium, contain phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium and a number of other trace elements. And also a number of vitamins concentrated mainly in the rind.


6. In ancient Persia, this plant was considered a symbol of quarrels and gossip.


7. In many cuisines of the world the upper parts of the shoots of this plant are considered a delicacy. In ancient Greece, the shoots of this plant were used to weave wreaths for newlyweds.


8. This cabbage is the closest relative of cauliflower. It is also called asparagus cabbage. Under what name can it be found in stores?


9. This plant blooms in these pretty little caps. They are so attractive that it is grown not only as a vegetable plant, but also as an ornamental plant.


10. This plant also came to Europe from America, where it was cultivated as early as 5,000 years B.C.


11. This plant can reach a height of up to one meter. It is biennial, in the first year it forms a rosette of leaves and root vegetables, which are used as food. It does not bloom until the second year.


12. This plant has been grown by humans for four thousand years. Both the root and the tops are used as food.


13. In the Cinderella story, a fairy made a carriage from the fruit of this plant, in which Cinderella went to the ball with the king.


14. Only the fruits of this plant are edible. In ancient Rome and Greece they were called "rabies apples. It was thought that eating them could lead to madness.


15. This plant belongs to the cabbage family, but it is not a cabbage. Its edible root vegetable contains mustard oil, but it is not mustard. Do you know what this plant is?


16. This plant has unusual berries encased in a shell similar to Chinese paper lanterns. And its dried berries resemble raisins in taste.

