Quiz: Guess the Red Flower by Photo
This plant made its triumphant march through gardens and flowerbeds in China as early as 551 BC. It was then introduced to Japan, where it became the national flower.
This flower is a traditional Christmas gift in Scandinavian countries.
This plant got its name from the Dutch botanist Jan Gronovius. He named it after his German colleague named Traugott ...
This beautiful orchid is one of the most popular on our windowsills. There are also hybrids among them that are colored red.
This plant got its modern name from Carl Linnaeus in 1737. In Greek it means "flame".
Wreaths made of this plant are used in Austria and Germany in fortune telling for marriage. There is also a belief that if such a wreath is hung over the windows, lightning will never enter the house.
According to the ancient Roman writer Pliny, an amulet made from the bulb of this plant could protect from death and grant victory in battle.
This plant began to be bred and selected back in ancient Rome. Descriptions of its varieties can be found in the works of ancient Roman writers.
This plant blooms and bears fruit abundantly in the spring. After the end of flowering, the faded bulb dies and several new young bulbs are laid in its place.
The Mexican Indians called this plant "chichipatl," "acocotle," and "cococochitl."
One of the hybrids of this plant is commonly known in indoor gardening as amaryllis.
This plant has varieties with white or yellow flowers, but most often they are piercing red. In the wild, it prefers dry areas.
This plant, unlike its famous counterpart, is not used for cloth. It is bred only as an ornamental plant to decorate gardens and flower beds.
The bulbs of some varieties of this plant are used as food in Siberia, the Far East, and Japan.
In indoor gardening, this plant is called the Chinese rose. According to some opinions, it came to us from the Malay Archipelago.
Many species of this plant are poisonous, all their parts contain andromedotoxin. And even the honey from the flowers of this plant is also poisonous, which sometimes leads to poisoning of people.
This charming plant belongs to the clove family. Its Latin name is lichnis (Lýchnis).
The leaves of this plant produce a fragrant essential oil used in perfumery and medicine.
In Japan, the cultivation of these flowers was one of the occupations of the samurai class.