Quiz: Guess an Beasts of Prey from a Photo
This marine predator belongs to the family of long-eared seals. The females are much smaller than the males.
These fish have a long, serpentine body without scales. They hunt from ambush.
This predator is widespread in North America. It is found not only in the wild, but also on the outskirts of major cities like Los Angeles.
This snake is not dangerous to humans, they can often be found in the water. They feed on frogs, rodents and fish.
These marine predators have a very remarkable lower jaw. It's longer than the upper jaw.
This animal has the largest fangs compared to its body size among all felines. They can reach 3.5 cm at a height of 50-55 cm at the withers.
Charming beastie, but very pungent smelling. This animal ranks at the top of the most smelly animals on the planet )).
Zoologists classify this animal as a cat-like animal, although it looks more like a dog.
This small carnivore has become world famous for its role in the production of kopi luwak coffee. These animals are omnivores, eating not only coffee fruit, but also insects, bird eggs, and sometimes small birds.
Because of their outward resemblance, these animals are sometimes called "cat bears." They resemble a cat in appearance but move like bears.
The tufts of feathers on the head of this bird of prey are called "feather ears." They hunt hares, rodents, hedgehogs, and birds.
This animal has such well-developed fingers that their footprint is similar to that of a human palm.
Kittens of these raptors are born with mottled coloration. With age, the spots disappear and adults no longer have them.
The adventures of this particular animal were described in Kipling's children's tale "Ricky-Ticky-Tavy."
This cat got its second name "Pallas' cat" in honor of the German naturalist P.S. Pallas, who first described it.
This largest eagle in Central Asia is traditionally used as a trapping bird for foxes, hares, saigas, and gazelles.
The name of this cat is translated from Turkic as "black ear". They are similar to the lynx, but smaller and with a monochromatic coloration.
This raptor lives in arid terrain, holing up in deep holes during the day and going out to hunt at night.
This is the largest canine in South Africa. It has really long legs. No other canine has this proportions.
This animal is the only representative of short-nosed bears that has survived to this day.