Art Quiz: Artists and Sculptors of Various Ages

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Art Quiz: Artists and Sculptors of Various Ages
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Great artists and sculptors of different eras have given the world a huge number of their unique works. They can be seen in museums all over the world, and many of them make such a strong impression that it has even been given its own name - Stendhal syndrome.

The Art Quiz "Artists and sculptors of different epochs" is designed for those who consider themselves experts on the subject. Some of the questions may be quite difficult, while others may be easy, especially if you know a lot about art. Test your knowledge!

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1. This eccentric artist designed the Chupa Chups candy wrapper.

Salvador Dali

2. The painter Archip Kuindzhi became famous for his artistry.In addition to his art, he had an extraordinary love for ...


3. What direction in art did the Russian artist Vasily Kandinsky create?


4. What is Gustav Klimt's most famous painting called?

The Kiss

5. What was Paul Gauguin's job before he started painting?

A stockbroker

6. Leonardo da Vinci is a shining example of the polymath of the Renaissance. He became famous as a painter, sculptor, architect, scientist, inventor, and musician. What musical instrument did he play?


7. In which city was the famous sculptor Auguste Rodin born, who is considered the founder of modern sculpture?


8. Michelangelo never signed his works, except for one. On which sculpture did he carve his name?


9. Which color is predominant in Van Gogh's paintings?


10. A famous Mexican artist who became famous for her unusual self-portraits.

Frida Kahlo

11. American artist who is one of the creators of pop art.

Roy Lichtenstein

12. What material did Donatello use to create his sculpture David?


13. In which museum is Rembrandt's painting The Return of the Prodigal Son on display?

The Hermitage

14. Italian master, author of the famous sculptures Theseus and the Minotaur, Cupid and Psyche, and Polina Borghese.

Antonio Canova

15. What is Alberto Giacometti's most famous sculpture called?

The Walking Man

16. To which style do the works of Albrecht Dürer belong?

High Renaissance

17. Who is the author of the famous painting The Girl with the Pearl Earring?

Jan Vermeer

18. In which city is the Van Gogh Museum, which has a large collection of works by the famous artist?

