Aztec Gods Quiz: 21 Challenging Questions

Aztec Gods Quiz: 21 Challenging Questions
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When it comes to mythology and the gods, most often we think of ancient Greece and Rome. But today we want to talk about no less interesting epics and their heroes - the gods of the Aztec civilization in central Mexico.

The Aztec Gods Quiz is designed for the advanced student of this mythology. It consists of 21 questions, which can be described as difficult if you do not have sufficient knowledge of the subject. But even without knowing the correct answers, you can learn from it. Expand your knowledge!

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1. Which Aztec god was depicted as a bloody skeleton or a man with a toothy skull instead of a head?


2. What did the Aztec god Nanahuatzin do, after which he became the Sun?

threw himself into the fire

3. How many southern star gods, sons of Coatlicue, and brothers of the moon goddess Coyolxāuhqui in Aztec mythology?


4. In honor of this Aztec goddess, during the feast of April, domestic altars and statues of the goddess were decorated with flowers, and houses were sprinkled with bloody reeds. Which goddess are we talking about?


5. The face of the Aztec god of nature, agriculture and the seasons wears a mask. What is it made of?

of human skin

6. Whose fault did the ancient Aztecs believe earthquakes were caused by?


7. According to one legend, what did the Aztec goddess Chimalman, on the advice of the cult leader Quetzalcoatl, have to swallow in order to conceive a long-awaited child?

precious stone

8. The names of the Aztec gods are interpreted differently in different sources. What was the name of the Aztec god whose name has been interpreted as "He who contains everything in himself," "Lord of nearness," or "He by whom we all live"?


9. What was the name of the Aztec goddess of frost and mist?


10. According to one legend, the mother of the Aztec god Mixcoatl Cihuacoatl left him at a crossroads. What did she find in his place when she returned?

a sacrificial knife

11. What did the Aztec god Huehuecoyotl, portrayed as a dancing coyote with human arms and legs, patronize?

to debauchery, mirth, music, song and dance.

12. How, according to one Aztec legend, did the goddess Coyolxauhqui get to heaven, where she became the moon?

her half-brother Huitzilopochtli killed her and threw her head into heaven

13. How is the name of the Aztec goddess Ilamatecuhtli, Mixcoatl's first wife, interpreted?

Elderly mistress

14. In Aztec mythology there was a pulque alcoholic beverage god named Patecatl, and who was his wife do you know?


15. The names of the Aztec gods are interpreted differently in different sources. What was the name of the Aztec god whose name has been interpreted as "He who contains everything in himself," "Lord of nearness," or "He by whom we all live"?


16. Whose sister was the Aztec sorceress Malinalxochitl, known for her power over snakes and scorpions?


17. Which Aztec god's female double was Chicomecoatl, the maize goddess?


18. For what transgression did Tonacatecuhtli turn Chantico, goddess of the home fire, into a dog?

for eating fried fish with paprika during Lent, thus breaking the ban on eating chili peppers

19. According to one version, the name of the city of Mexico City comes from the Aztec god ...


20. The symbol of which Aztec god was a Greek cross representing a meeting place or crossroads?


21. Which Aztec mother goddess patronized those suffering from non-healing wounds, lepers, and those born with physical deformities?

