Coca Cola Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers

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Coca-Cola is the most popular soft drink all over the world. It was originally intended as a patent medicine and was not popular at all.
The Coca Cola Quiz will help you to test your knowledge on this legendary drink. Try your best and get the highest score.
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1. Where was Coca Cola drink invented?
Atlanta, Georgia
2. Who was the man which invented Coca-Cola?
3. When was the drink invented?
4. What was Coca-Cola originally patented as?
A cure for nerve disorders and headaches
5. How much money was received during the first years of Coca-Cola sales?
6. Where Coca-Cola is used as a cold medicine?
Hong Kong
7. What will happen if you add Mentos into the bottle of Coca-Cola?
The fountain will explode
8. Which variant of the Coca-Cola drink does not exist?
Coca-Cola Clear