Erudition Quiz: 20 Questions That Not Everyone Can Answer

Free online printable quiz with multiple-choice questions (MCQ) without registration.
As children we are curious about many areas of human life. We are curious about almost everything! We never tire of asking questions, driving adults to exhaustion. But what happens to us when we grow up? Where does this interest in life go? It's what keeps our brain young.
The Erudition quiz consists of 17 interesting questions with answers. Test your knowledge!
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1. What is the name of a summary of a work that conveys its entire essence?
2. Name the literary hero with superpowers who was invented by Herbert Wells.
Invisible Man
3. What did Alexander Fleming do for medicine and humanity?
He discovered penicillin.
4. What color is the giraffe's tongue?
Black or blue
5. What is the name of the volcano located near Naples, Italy?
6. What country has the tallest people on the planet?
The Netherlands
7. What was the name of Napoleon Bonaparte's favorite horse that accompanied the warlord to the Battle of Austerlitz?
8. What is ontogeny?
Individual development of an organism
9. In which country is mashed potatoes and cabbage considered the national dish?
10. Choose the tallest building in the United States.
World Trade Center
11. In which ocean are the Galapagos Islands located?
In the Pacific Ocean
12. Which museum collected a collection of sculptures by Auguste Rodin, including the famous "Thinker"?
Rodin Museum in Paris
13. Which ancient scientist adhered to vegetarianism?
14. Which desert occupies the southern part of Africa?
15. Which chemical element is in the greatest concentration in the Sun?
16. Who was the first person to win the Nobel Prize in Physics, and for what?
Wilhelm Röntgen for his discovery of X-rays
17. Choose the smallest antelope native to Africa.