Exact Sciences Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers

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The exact sciences study quantitatively precise patterns. and use rigorous methods of hypothesis testing based on reproducible experiments and rigorous logical reasoning. These can include mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science, and other sciences.
The Exact Sciences Quiz, which you can take on this page of our website, will test your knowledge. Try to answer each of the questions correctly. Good luck!
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1. Mathematics is one of the most important exact sciences. Is it a natural science?
2. In whose writings does the term "physics" first appear?
3. Georg Ernst Stahl, formulated the theory of phlogiston. What kind of scientist was he?
A chemist
4. Is statistics an exact science?
5. What is the science of privacy, data integrity, authentication, and encryption?
6. A diagram of an arithmometer of one of the first arithmometers was drawn by Leonardo da Vinci. It is a ...
The first digital mechanical calculator
7. Which of the exact sciences is a natural science?
Both answers are correct
8. What is a harmonic oscillator?
A mechanical system
9. In which ancient country did geometry originate?
Ancient Greece
10. The name of the science "robotics" is based on the word "robot". Who invented it?
Karel Capek