1980s Quiz: questions and answers

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1. Which of these was not a terrorist attack during the 80’s?
Assasination of John F. Kennedy
2. Which of the following happened in 80s?
Cold War
3. Which of these natural disasters did not occur during the 80's?
Hurricane Katrina
4. Which of these was not among the assassinations of the 80's?
Assassination of Samuel Doe
5. Which of these Super Mario Series was launched during the 80’s?
Super Mario Bros
6. When did Canada gain official independence from the United Kingdom?
7. What was the year of the fall of the Berlin Wall?
8. In which year was the Chilean national plebiscite against Pinochet?
9. When did Reynaldo Bignone give way to democracy?
10. Which year did João Figueiredo give way to democracy in?