Quiz: 20 Questions on Different Sciences

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Scientists are the people who drive progress by the power of their thoughts. But even without being one of them, many of us are quite good at the sciences that we were taught in schools, technical schools, colleges and institutes. Today let's try to check how much knowledge is available to you? The test for experts "20 questions on different sciences" is first of all a game.But the time you spend for it will be spent with benefit. Test your knowledge and have a good time with us!
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1. How much of the Pacific Ocean is larger than all of Earth's landmass?
By 30 million km²
2. Which parts of the brain are more developed in birds compared to reptiles?
Forebrain and cerebellum
3. The root sign in mathematics is ...
4. The study of what was favored by adherents of behaviorism?
Human behavior
5. How well does a dielectric conduct electric current?
Conducts relatively poorly
6. Which axis is used in graphing functions as the area of values of a function?
The ordinate axis
7. What effect accompanies the rapid (paradoxical) sleep phase?
Movement of the eyeballs
8. An optical quantum generator or, in other words, a device that converts pump energy is a ...
9. Amethyst is a ...
a variety of quartz
10. What did Wilhelm Roentgen discover in 1901, earning him the world's first Nobel Prize in Physics?
11. Which economic law corresponds to the statement, "The rate of growth of a country's income equals the rate of growth of the rest of the world's income and the ratio of the income elasticity of demand for exports on the rest of the world's income to the in
Thirlwall's Law
12. To which mountain system do the Khrebs of Muzkol, Zulumart and Hazratishoh belong?
13. Does down fly from all poplars?
Not all of them
14. On which peninsula did the Mayan civilization flourish?
15. The outer primary covering tissue of plants is the ....
16. Fossils are ...
fossilized remains of organisms or traces of their life activity
17. Which water has fewer impurities?
18. The Gauss Prize is awarded for outstanding discoveries in which science?
19. Rattlesnake jelly is ...
an explosive first produced by Alfred Nobel.
20. In which science are distances measured in parsecs?
In astronomy