2001: A Space Odyssey Quiz: questions and answers

2001: A Space Odyssey Quiz: questions and answers
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2001: A Space Odyssey is a cult movie by Stanley Kubrick that was a big and significant step in the development of cinematography. Play the quiz and check how what do you know about this masterpiece of visual art?

2001: A Space Odyssey quiz includes some interesting questions and answers to test yourself.

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1. Who is the director of "2001: A Space Odyssey"?

Stanley Kubrick

2. When was the film released?


3. Which studio distributed the film?


4. What did a tribe of hominids find?

A black monolith

5. Where was Dr. Heywood Floyd going to?

The Clavius base

6. What do Floyd and his team find on the surface of the Moon?

A black monolith

7. What is the name of the computer on the Discovery One spaceship?

HAL 9000

8. Was Hal disconnected due to its error?


9. What happens to Bowman when he leaves the Discovery One?

He is pulled into the Star Gate

10. What happens to Bowman when he touches the black monolith?

He becomes a fetus
