8½ Quiz: questions and answers

8½ Quiz: questions and answers
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8½ is the eight and a half movie of Federico Fellini as a director. It is considered as the classic of cinematography and as one of the greatest movies in history.

8½ quiz includes some interesting and curious questions with multiple choice answers to test how well do you know this masterpiece.

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1. Who was the director of 8½?

Federico Fellini

2. What does the title of the film mean?

It's the eighth and a half film of Federico Fellini

3. Who is the main character in the film?

A film director

4. What the main character suffers from?

Director's block

5. Who did Guido hire hoping that he will help him to recover?

A film critic

6. What is the key to Guido's story?

An Ideal Woman

7. Which scene from his life Guido is planning to replicate in his movie?

Personal audience with a Cardinal in a steam bath

8. What was the main decoration for Guido's movie?

A steel infrastructure of a life-sized rocket ship

9. What Guido decides to do with this movie?

To cut it off

10. Where is the final scene take place?

The beach
