Alexander the Great Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers

Alexander the Great Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers
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Alexander the Great was the king of Macedonia, who created the largest powerful empire of the ancient world. Play the quiz and test how well do you know this great general.

The Alexander the Great Quiz includes interesting multiple choice trivia questions and answers about the topic to test yourself.

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1. Where was Alexander the Great born?

Pella, Greece

2. When was Alexander the Great born?

356 BC

3. Who was Alexander's father?

Phillip II

4. Which ancient Greek philosopher was Alexander's tutor?


5. How did the father of Alexander the Great die?

He was killed by Pausanias

6. When did the Siege of Tyre take place?

332 BC

7. After his conquest of Egypt, Alexander was pronounced a son of which deity?


8. Which Persian emperor was defeated by Alexander in the Battle of Gaugamela?

Darius III

9. Who was Alexander's best friend?


10. How many spouses did Alexander have?

