American Civil War Quiz: questions and answers

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1. What is the period of the American civil war?
2. When was The Emancipation Proclamation issued?
January 1, 1863
3. States which declared their secession or opposition to the US during the war were known as:
Confederate States
4. Which was the most important strategic location in the North during the American Civil War?
Washington D.C.
5. Who was the last Cherokee leader to surrender forces in June 1865?
Stand Watie
6. Who was the US President during the time of the American civil war?
Abraham Lincoln
7. Which place in South Carolina was attacked as the first to start the war?
Fort Sumter
8. Which two countries were approached for help in exchange of cotton by the opposition during the civil war?
France and Britain
9. What was the main reason for the beginning of the American civil war?
Slavery of Black People
10. Who shot the American president in 1865?
John Wilkes Booth