Ancient Greek Philosophy Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers

Ancient Greek Philosophy Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers
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Ancient Greek philosophy arose about the VI century BC. The main purpose of this philosophy was to make sense of the world in a non-religious way.

The Ancient Greek Philosophy Quiz consists of some multiple choice trivia questions and answers to test your knowledge about the topic.

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1. When the Ancient Greek Philosophy arose?

6th century BC

2. "I only know that I know nothing". Who said this?


3. Which one of the following was a disciple of Socrates?


4. In his "Republic" Plato presents what he believes to be an ideal society. In his division of classes, he mentions three. Which one of the following is NOT one of them?


5. Where was Aristotle born?


6. What does Aristotle identify happiness as?


7. How can "good" be achieved according to the Aristotle?

By choosing the middle term between two opposites

8. Aristotle was the teacher of:

Alexander the Great

9. Who is considered the last of the "pre-Socratic philosophers", ending such period with his arrival in Athens?

