Anna Wintour Quiz: questions and answers

Free online printable quiz with multiple-choice questions (MCQ) without registration.
Anna Wintour is the most influencing woman in the modern world of fashion. She is a professional journalist and the editor-in-chief of American Vogue.
Anna Wintour quiz consists of some interesting questions and answers about her personality.
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1. Where was Anna Wintour born?
2. What does she do in Vogue?
Editor in Chief
3. Who portrayed Anna Wintour as Miranda Priestly?
Meryl Streep
4. Which event does Anna Wintour promote every year?
MET Gala
5. How many children does she have?
6. Where was Anna Wintour fired from?
Harper's Bazaar
7. Where did she work before Vogue America?
Vogue UK
8. When did Anna Wintour start in at Vogue?
9. What is her characteristic look?
Bob haircut and sun glasses
10. Who is Anna Wintour's husband?
Shelby Bryan