Anthropology Quiz: questions and answers

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Anthropology is a group of sciences that studies humans, human behavior and past and present societies.
Anthropology quiz includes 10 questions and answers to test your knowledge of this science.
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1. Which one is the actual concept of the anthropology?
Human behavior
2. When was the word "anthropology" introduced to the English language?
Early 18th century
3. What was the main interest of Paul Broca?
Biological anthropology
4. Who wrote the "Die Anthropologie der Naturvölker"?
Theodor Waitz
5. Who was the inventor of cultural anthropology?
Edward Burnett Tylor
6. In which country has anthropology been divided into 4 field approach?
7. Who developed "4 field approach" in the early 20th century?
Franz Boas
8. Which anthropology field is more related to philosophy, literature & arts?
Cultural anthropology
9. Where is the "USC Center for Visual Anthropology" situated?
California, U.S
10. When "The Anthropological Society of London" was founded?