Baltimore Quiz: questions and answers

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1. Where is Baltimore located?
2. The first professional sports organization in the United States was formed in Baltimore in 1743, by the name of?
The Maryland Jockey Club
3. What did Baltimore use in 1816 for the first time, to light its streets?
Hydrogen gas
4. When was Tom Thumb built in Baltimore?
5. What is the TV series based on Baltimore's narcotics investigation experience of a Sun reporter?
The Wire
6. Which US president had his first monument in Baltimore?
George Washington
7. Name the first public housing units built in 1941 where black Baltimoreans were allowed to live?
McCulloh Homes
8. Which famous baseball player was born in Baltimore, Maryland?
George Herman (Babe) Ruth
9. How long did the Baltimore Riot of 1968 continue?
8 days
10. Where were U.S. Navy's first vessels built?
Baltimore's Fells Point Harbor