Black Sea Quiz: questions and answers

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The Black Sea belongs to the Atlantic Ocean. It is located on the border between Europe and Asia. Check what do you know about this body of water by playing the quiz.
Black Sea quiz consists of interesting questions and answers about the topic.
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1. Where is the Black Sea located?
Between Europe and Asia
2. Which of these countries borders the Black Sea?
3. Which of these cities is located on the shore of the Black Sea?
4. Which sea is connected to the Black Sea?
Mediterranean Sea
5. What was supposed to have landed in the Black Sea?
Noah's Ark
6. What is the deepest point of the Black Sea?
7.000 ft
7. What does the Black Sea hide underwater?
A river
8. Which one of these countries also borders the Black Sea?
9. What sea is also connected to the Black Sea?
Marmara Sea
10. Which river is not one of the primary inflows?