Bogotá Quiz: questions and answers

Free online printable quiz with multiple-choice questions (MCQ) without registration.
Bogotá is a political and cultural center of Columbia. It is also the capital and the largest city in the country. Play the quiz and check your knowledge about this place.
Bogotá quiz includes some interesting questions and answers to test yourself.
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1. What was Bogotá formerly known as?
2. Where is Bogotá located?
3. When was Bogotá founded as the capital of the New Kingdom of Granada?
August 6, 1538
4. Who is the current mayor of Bogotá?
Enrique Peñalosa
5. What is the Bogotá's main airport?
El Dorado International Airport
6. What is the predominant type of climate in Bogotá?
7. How many localities or districts are there in Bogotá?
8. Which sport has been declared a symbol of Bogotá?
9. What is the sister city of Bogotá?
New York