Bowling Quiz: questions and answers

Bowling Quiz: questions and answers
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Free online printable quiz with multiple-choice questions (MCQ) without registration.

Bowling is a target sport where the player should roll the ball to hit the target. One of the most popular varieties of this sport is Ten-pin bowling. 

Bowling quiz consists of several interesting questions and answers to test what do you know about it.

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1. What is the name of the international body governing the 9 pin and 10 pin bowling?

World Bowling

2. The outer shell of the bowling ball is known as?


3. What is the minimum tilt with which a bowling in would fall?

7.5 degrees

4. Who invented 5 pin bowling?

Canadian Thomas F. Ryan

5. What 7-10 split is known as?


6. What is the name of the lane area where the pins stand?

Pin Deck

7. Which pin is the Kingpin in the 10 pin bowling?

5 pin

8. MB on the bowling ball is the short form of?

Mass Bias

9. What is the distance between the foul line to the head pin?

60 feet

10. What is the score of a perfect 10 pin bowling game?

