Cardi B Quiz: questions and answers

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Cardi B is an American actress, singer, and songwriter. She became extremely popular after posting some short videos on Instagram and Vine, which became viral.
Cardi B quiz consists of 10 questions and answers to test what do you know about this woman.
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1. At what age did Cardi get her first plastic surgery?
2. What is the real name of Cardi B?
Belcalis Marlenis Almanzar
3. What was Cardi B's first music video?
Cheap Ass Weave
4. Who has Cardi B never collaborated with?
Kanye West
5. Who had Cardi been working as before she became famous?
6. Who is Cardi's husband?
7. What is the title of the fist album Cardie released?
Invasion of Privacy
8. Which TV show has Cardi B not starred in?
Jimmey Kimmel Live!
9. How many awards did Cardi B win in the 2018 MTV Video Music Awards?
10. When did Time magazine name Cardi B one of the 100 most influential people in the world?