Chromosome Quiz: questions and answers

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1. Where does the term "chromosome" come from?
2. Who were first to recognize the chromosomes?
Schleiden, Virchow and Bütschli
3. When did Theodor Boveri give the demonstration that chromosomes are the vectors of heredity?
4. What is the name of the theory of genetics which identifies chromosomes as the carriers of genetic material?
Boveri-Sutton chromosome theory
5. How many pairs of chromosomes do human cells have?
23 pairs
6. What is an autosome?
A chromosome that is not a sex chromosome
7. What is the name of a rare genetic disorder due to chromosome deletion on chromosome 5?
Cri du chat syndrome
8. What does DNA stand for?
Deoxyribonucleic acid
9. How many cells does a prokaryote organism have?
10. What is the cause of Down syndrome?
Third copy of chromosome 21