Cleopatra Quiz: questions and answers

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Cleopatra was the last queen of Ptolemaic Kingdom. She is most known for her dramatical romance with Roman general Mark Antony.
Cleopatra quiz consists of some interesting questions and answers to test your knowledge about the life of the greatest beauty of the ancient world.
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1. When was Cleopatra born?
69 BC
2. What is the meaning of Cleopatra's name?
Glory of her father
3. Who was the father of Cleopatra?
Ptolemy XII Auletes
4. Which dynasty did Cleopatra belong to?
Macedonian Greek
5. What was the cause of Cleopatra's death?
6. Who painted "The Death of Cleopatra"?
Guido Cagnacci
7. Who was Cleopatra?
The Queen
8. How long did she reign?
21 years
9. Who is the author of "Antony and Cleopatra"?
William Shakespeare
10. Why did she commit a suicide?
Because Octavian had won the Battle of Actium