Clouds Quiz: questions and answers
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1. What is the science of clouds called?
2. Who proposed the nomenclature system of clouds?
Luke Howard
3. Who is the author of Meteorologica?
4. How many different physical forms based on the structure and process of formation do clouds assume?
5. What is the name given to a high-level, very thin, generally uniform stratiform genus-type of cloud, composed of ice-crystals?
Cirrostratus cloud
6. At what altitude do stratus clouds form?
Below 2,000 meters
7. What is the appearance of a nimbostratus cloud?
Dark, widespread, formless layer
8. In which atmosphere's layer do lenticular clouds form?
9. What are Venus' thick clouds composed of?
Sulfure dioxide
10. When and where are noctilucent clouds most often observed?
During the summer months from latitudes between 50° and 70° north and south of the Equator