Colombia Quiz: questions and answers

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Columbia is the country with the biggest variety of ethnic groups living on its territory. Play the quiz and check what do you know about this country.
Colombia Quiz has 10 questions and answers about the stated topic. Try your best to get the highest score.
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1. In which subregion of the American continent is Colombia located?
South America
2. How many colors does the Colombia flag have?
3 colors
3. What is the capital of Colombia?
4. What are the official languages in Colombia?
5. Who is the current president of Colombia?
Ivan Duque
6. When did Colombia gain its independence?
July 20, 1810
7. How many types of ecosystems are present in Colombia?
314 types
8. How many departments is Colombia divided into?
32 department
9. Which cities have been designated as districts?
Both are true
10. What is the population of Colombia?
49,996,445 million