Cryptocurrencies quiz: questions and answers

Free online printable quiz with multiple-choice questions (MCQ) without registration.
Some people say that cryptocurrencies are the most valuable and reliable currency because no banks and third persons needed to make money operation. Do you agree with this?
Cryptocurrencies quiz includes 10 questions and answers related to the topic.
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1. What was the first cryptocurrency?
2. When did the cryptocurrency begin to operate?
3. What is the name of the founder of Bitcoin?
Satoshi Nakamoto
4. What is a cryptocurrency?
Digital Exchange Medium
5. Since when has interest in cryptocurrencies increased?
6. What is the cryptocurrency mining?
When transactions are verified and added to the public ledger
7. Which of the following is cryptocurrency?
8. Which of these cryptocurrencies is not based on CryptoNote?
9. Which of these cryptocurrencies is based on SHA-256?
Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and Namecoin
10. Who created the first cryptographic electronic money?
David Chaum