Damascus Quiz: questions and answers

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Damascus is the capital and second-largest city of Syria. This city is the oldest capital in the world and the main cultural an religious center of Levant.
Damascus quiz consists of some interesting questions and answers about this beautiful ancient city.
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1. What is Damascus colloquially known as in Syria?
2. When was Damascus the capital of the Umayyad Caliphate?
3. What is the meaning of the word 'darmeśeq'?
a well-watered land
4. When did the first mention of Damascus appear?
2500 BC
5. On the shore of which sea is Damascus located?
Mediterranean Sea
6. What is the prevalent religion of Damascus citizens?
Sunni Isalm
7. What is the amount of annual rainfall in Damascus?
Around 130 mm
8. Which mosque is situated in Damascus?
The Tekkiye Mosque
9. When did Damascus stock exchange formally open for trade?
March 2009