Earth Quiz: questions and answers

Earth Quiz: questions and answers
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Free online printable quiz with multiple-choice questions (MCQ) without registration.

What do you know about the planet we live on? This quiz will test your knowledge about our planet.

Earth Quiz includes ten questions with answers about the stated topic.

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1. What is Earth?

A planet

2. Which of the following planets is closest to the Sun?


3. What does the revolution of Earth around the Sun cause?


4. What is the mass of Earth?

6×10^24 kg

5. When was Earth formed?

4.5 billion years ago

6. What is the percentage of water on the surface of Earth?


7. How many layers is the Earth atmosphere divided into?


8. How many continents are there on Earth?


9. How long does it take Earth to complete the revolution around its axis?

24 hours

10. Which city is located in the very center of Earth?

