Edwin Hubble Quiz: questions and answers

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Edwin Hubble was one of the most influential astronomers and cosmologists of the XX century. He was the first to prove the existence of other galaxies except for the Milky Way.
Edwin Hubble quiz consists of several questions and answers about the biography of this scientist.
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1. Where was Edwin Hubble born?
Marshfield, Missouri
2. Who was Edwin Hubble?
An astronomer
3. When did Hubble lead the University of Chicago's basketball team to their first title in the conference?
4. What is the value of Hubble Constant?
500 km/s/Mpc
5. When did Edwin move to Wheaton, Illinois?
6. Where was Edwin's 1922—1923 research proving the existence of other galaxies published?
The New York Times
7. Which award did Hubble receive in 1940?
Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society
8. When did Edwin publish his first paper?
9. When did Edwin die?
September 28, 1953
10. What was named after Edwin Hubble?
A space telescope