Elf Quiz: questions and answers

Elf Quiz: questions and answers
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Free online printable quiz with multiple-choice questions (MCQ) without registration.

Elfs are fictional human-shaped forest inhabitants in Germanic mythology and folklore. What do you know about these supernatural beings?

Elf quiz consists of several interesting multiple-choice questions with answers to test yourself.

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1. Where did "Elveskud" originate from?


2. When was the translated version of 'Elveskud" added in the collection of folk songs?


3. Who translated the 'Elveskud"?

Johann Gottfried Herder

4. When was "Die Wichtelmänne" translated to English?


5. What was the English title of "Die Wichtelmänner"?

"The Elves and the Shoemaker"

6. Who translated "Die Wichtelmänner"?

Margaret Hunt

7. What kind of elves is svartálfar?

Black elves

8. What is the name of the cartoonist who helped create the image of "Santa's elves"?

Thomas Nast

9. What kind of elves is isdökkálfar?

Dark elves
