Eurasia Quiz: questions and answers
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Eurasia is the biggest continent on our planet. It is located in the northern Hampshire. What else do you know about this part of the world?
Eurasia quiz consists of ten multiple-choice questions with answers about the continent.
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1. Which ocean is located in the westpart of Eurasia?
Atlantic Ocean
2. Which ocean is located in the eastpart of Eurasia?
Pacific Ocean
3. In geology, Eurasia is often considered as a:
Single rigid megablock
4. How many people living in the landmass of Eurasia?
Over 5 billion
5. When the Eurasian Economic Union was established?
6. When the Asia–Europe Meeting (ASEM) was established?
7. Where was ASEM's 1st summit held?
8. Where is the L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University situated?
9. In which year was the Eurasian Development Bank established?
10. Which country is not a part of Eurasia?