French Bulldog Quiz: 10 Trivia Questions and Answers

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The French bulldog is one of the most popular dog breeds. They are great companions. They will give you a lot of fun and enjoyable moments if you decide to get such a dog.
The French Bulldog Quiz has 10 interesting multiple choice trivia questions with answers about this famous personality. Test your knowledge about this cute dog!
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1. What origins does the French bulldog breed have?
2. Ch. Bouquet Nouvelle Ami is a French bulldog famous for winning the title Best of breed at Westminster for how many years in a row?
3. What is the average lifespan of French bulldogs?
8-10 years
4. What is the average weight of a French bulldog?
16-28 lbs
5. Which colour of a French bulldog is unacceptable according to the AKC French Bulldog standard?
6. What is common for the breed of French bulldog?
It has a great need of companionship.
7. What is a common nickname of the French bulldog?
8. What is the weight limit for French bulldogs?
28 lbs
9. Which type of ears a French bulldog has?
Bat ears
10. The French bulldog is a cross of an English bulldog and…..
French terrier