Game of Thrones Quiz: questions and answers

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Game of Thrones is one of the most popular fantasy TV series nowadays. It is based on the series of George Martin's novels. What else do you know about it?
Game of Thrones quiz includes ten interesting questions and answers about the plot of the series to test yourself.
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1. How many kingdoms are there in Westeros continent?
2. Which novel series is Game of Thrones based on?
A Song of Ice and Fire
3. Who is Elia Martell for Daenerys?
4. What is the fictional place where most of the Game of Thrones is set?
Seven Kingdoms of Westeros
5. What is the last name of Bastards in Dorne?
6. Who shot the burning arrow at Hoster Tully's Funeral?
Brynden Tully
7. What Unsullied have to do at the end of training in order to prove he has no mercy?
To kill a newborn slave child
8. Who was nicknamed the Lightning Lord?
Beric Dondarrion
9. What is Arya Stark's sword known as?
10. Who leads the troops attacking the king's landing during the battle of Blackwater?
Stannis Baratheon