Guinness Quiz: questions and answers

Guinness Quiz: questions and answers
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Guinness is one of the most famous and consumed beers in the world. It is one of the unofficial symbols of Ireland. What do you know about it?

Guinness quiz includes ten interesting questions and answers about this dry stout.

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1. Where did Guinness originate in?


2. Who was the founder of Guinness brewery?

Arthur Guinness

3. What is the slogan of the company?

Guinness is Good For You

4. When was the first marketing campaign officially launched?


5. What is the flavor of Guinness?


6. How many calories does 1 pint of Guinness have?


7. Which country has the highest sales of Guinness?


8. When did the company move its headquarters to London?


9. Guinness is not vegan as it has some component that comes from which animal?


10. What is depicted on a Guinness logo?

