Hamburger Quiz: questions and answers

Hamburger Quiz: questions and answers
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Burgers are the most popular fast food in the world. Its classical version called Hamburger was invented many years ago but still highly popular nowadays.

Hamburger Quiz includes 10 questions with answers to check how well do you know the topic. Good luck!

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1. What is the term hamburger originally derive from?

Hamburg, Germany

2. What is the hamburger?

A sandwich

3. Which are the important ingredients of burgers in Mexico?

Jalapeño slices, shredded lettuce, onion and tomato

4. What is ketchup made of?


5. What is a common side order with the burger?


6. How is meat for burgers usually prepared?


7. "Burger" can also be applied to:

Meat patty

8. A veggie burger does NOT have:


9. What is the popular image of hamburgers?

Fast food
