Hibiscus Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers

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Hibiscus is a tropical flower which is mostly known as the main ingredient for carcade tea. Play the quiz and check what do you know about this plant.
The Hibiscus Quiz includes ten multiple choice trivia questions with multiple choice answers about the topic. Test your knowledge!
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1. Which family does hibiscus belong to?
2. What color has a tea made from hibiscus flowers?
3. Hibiscus flowers of which color does not exist?
4. The hibiscus is a national symbol of which country?
5. The tea of hibiscus is better to serve:
Both hot and cold
6. In which climate does hibiscus grow better?
7. What is the national flower of South Korea?
Hibiscus syriacus
8. What is the state flower of Hawaii?
Hibiscus brackenridgei
9. Which species of Hibiscus is extensively used in paper-making?
Hibiscus cannabinus
10. Which hibiscus is used in Polynesia for making rope, and the wood for making canoe floats?
Hibiscus tiliaceus