Hippocrates Quiz: questions and answers

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Hippocrates was a Greek philosopher and healer who is also known as the father of medicine. He is famous for creating a concept of medical ethics.
Hippocrates quiz includes 10 interesting questions and answers about the biography of this great man of science.
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1. Who was Hippocrates?
A physician
2. Where was Hippocrates born?
Kos, Ancient Greece
3. Hippocrates is often referred to as the:
"Father of Medicine"
4. What was Hippocrates' father name?
5. Where was Hippocrates possibly trained?
Asklepieion of Kos
6. What was the Hippocratic bench used for?
Aid in setting bones
7. In what language is the "Hippocratic Corpus" written?
Ionic Greek
8. Clubbing is also known as:
Hippocratic fingers
9. What are the four humors of Hippocratic medicine?
Black bile, yellow bile, phlegm and blood
10. What is hippocras made of?
Wine mixed with sugar and spices