Horses Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers

Horses Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers
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Horse is one of the most beautiful and graceful creatures in the world. Since the time it has been domesticated, it became the greatest human friend and helper. What do you know about these animals?

The Horses Quiz contains 10 multiple choice trivia questions with answers to test yourself. Will you be able to answer each one correctly?

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1. What family does horse belong to?


2. Which of the following countries has the highest population of horses?

United States

3. What is a male horse under the age of 5 years called?


4. How many chromosomes does horse have?


5. What is the normal body temperature of a horse?

99-101 F

6. What is the difference between horse and pony?


7. How long is the gestation period of a horse?

11-12 months

8. Horse can doze while standing.


9. What is the horse’s favorite food?

Green hay

10. Which team sport needs horses?

