Indie Music Quiz: questions and answers

Indie Music Quiz: questions and answers
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Indie is a common term regarded to the music made by 'independent' musicians. The boundaries of this genre are quite blurry.

Indie Music quiz has ten fun questions with answers about the history of this musical genre.

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1. What "indie music" refers to?

Independent Music

2. Who doesn’t affect Indie music?

Government or corporate interests

3. Which of these is less related to indie music?

Hard rock

4. What is the alternative name of Indie-pop music?

Nu pop

5. What does Indie electronic music combined of?

Indie Rock and Electronic Music

6. What is the other name of "grindie"?


7. When was Indie rock born?


8. When had Indie folk appeared?


9. Which of these is not a post rock band?


10. What is name of one of the main shoegaze bands?

My Bloody Valentine
