Jaguar Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers

Jaguar Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers
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The jaguar is a mammalian predator of the feline family, one of the five members of the panther genus, which belongs to the subfamily of big cats. It is the only representative of its genus in North and South America.

The Jaguar Quiz has 10 multiple choice trivia questions with answers. Test your knowledge about this magnificent animal!

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1. Which continents are natural habitats of jaguars?

North and South America

2. Which of the following statements is not true about the reproduction of jaguars?

Both males and females provide parenting of the cubs.

3. How can jaguars be described in terms of social activity?


4. Which of the following activities is typical for jaguars?

They stalk and ambush their prey

5. In nature, adult jaguars are apex predators in the food chain. What does this mean?

They are not preyed on by other predators

6. The jaguar is the national animal of which of the following countries?


7. Jaguars closely resemble which other big cats in physical appearance?


8. Jaguar's appearance seems to vary across regions and habitats. How do forest jaguars differ from the jaguars in open areas?

Forest jaguars are generally darker and smaller

9. When did Carl Linnaeus describe the jaguar in his work "Systema Naturae"?


10. How many Jaguar Conservation Units were determined?

