Juneteenth Quiz: questions and answers

Juneteenth Quiz: questions and answers
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This holiday is very important for American history because it commemorates the abolition of slavery in Texas.

Juneteenth Quiz consists of 10 questions and answers related to the history of a holiday.

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1. What is Juneteenth Independence day also known as?

Freedom day

2. How many states celebrate this day as a state holiday?


3. How many states were excluded during the Emancipation Proclamation?


4. Which date observed as Juneteenth day every year?

19th of June

5. Where did "General Order No. 3" about total Emancipation came from?

Ashton Vila

6. Which community mostly celebrate this day?

African American

7. Which TV series has an impact to spread the message of Juneteenth?


8. Which state was the first to establish Juneteenth as a state holiday?


9. Where Juneteenth Independence day came from?


10. Which company added Juneteenth to its system calendars as official US holiday in 2018?

