Juno Quiz: questions and answers

Juno Quiz: questions and answers
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Free online printable quiz with multiple-choice questions (MCQ) without registration.

Juno was the Roman goddess of the family, fertility, and motherhood. She was the embodiment of femininity and women's power. What do you know about this deity?

Juno quiz includes some interesting questions and answers about the topic to test yourself. 

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1. Who was Juno?

The goddess, the protector and special counselor of the state

2. Who was the father of Juno?


3. Who was not one of Juno's children?


4. What was the sacred animal of Juno?

A peacock

5. Which triad did Juno belong to?

Capitoline Triad

6. Who is the equivalent of Juno in Greek mythology?


7. Who was Juno's husband?


8. When is the festival of Juno Capitolina celebrated?

September 13

9. What was Juno also known as?


10. Which of these was one of Juno's epithets?

