Jupiter Quiz: questions and answers

Jupiter Quiz: questions and answers
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Jupiter was a god of sky, daylight, and thunder in Roman mythology. He was the father of Roman gods and part of Capitoline Triad.

Jupiter quiz includes some interesting questions and answers to test how well do you know Roman mythology.

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1. Who was Jupiter?

The god of the sky and thunder, and king of the gods in Ancient Roman religion and mythology

2. Who is the equivalent of Jupiter in Greek mythology?


3. What is one of the symbols of Jupiter?

A lightning bolt

4. Where did Jupiter reside?


5. What was the sacred tree of Jupiter?

An oak tree

6. What was the primary sacred animal of Jupiter?

An eagle

7. What were the traditional sacrificial victims offered to Jupiter?


8. What does the epithet "Jupiter Caelus" mean?

Jupiter as the sky or heavens

9. Who did Latins consider as the ancestor of Jupiter?


10. In which of the following temples Jupiter was worshiped as an individual deity?

Jupiter Optimus Maximus
