Khartoum Quiz: questions and answers

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Khartoum is the capital of Sudan. It is located at the confluence of the Blue Nile and White Nile. What else do you know about this city?
Khartoum Quiz consists of some interesting questions and answers about the city.
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1. Where is Khartoum located?
2. Which language is the name Khartoum derived from?
Arabic language
3. Where is the National Museum of Sudan located?
4. What was the first shopping mall built in Khartoum?
The Afra Mall
5. What is Khartoum also known as?
the hottest city
6. Why was Khartoum highly important in the 1880s?
For slave trade
7. When was the pipeline between Khartoum and the Port of Sudan completed?
8. When was the Mac Nimir Bridge opened?
9. What was the first suspension bridge built in Sudan?
The Tuti Bridge
10. Osama bin Laden have lived in Khartoum until _____