Latte Quiz: questions and answers

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Latte is a coffee drink originated in Italy, which is made of an espresso shot with the addition of steamed milk. What else do you know about it?
Latte quiz consists of some interesting questions and answers about the topic.
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1. What is latte made of?
Espresso and steamed milk
2. A combination of espresso and steamed milk equivalent to a "latte" in French is:
Grand crème
3. Coffee and milk have been part of European cuisine since which century?
17th century
4. What will you get ordering a "latte" in Italy?
A glass of milk
5. In which culture does calling people "latte drinkers" has become a common political attack?
"latte drinkers"
6. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term caffè latte was first used in English in 1867 by:
William Dean Howells
7. When was latte "invented and made a standard drink" in The Caffe Mediterraneum in California?
8. How is latte prepared?
An espresso added to a steamed milk
9. What is the Australian coffee drink similar to latte called?
Flat White