Lily Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers

Lily Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers
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Lilly is a very beautiful flower which is very popular in gardening all over the world. Its big flowers with strong aroma are often used in floristry for making bouquets.

The Lily Quiz contains several multiple choice trivia questions and answers to test yourself. Test your knowledge right now!

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1. What is a lily?

A flower

2. Which family does the lily belong to?


3. For which animal some lily species can be toxic?


4. In which country lily is widely used for culinary?


5. What do lilies represent in the Victorian language of flowers?

Love, ardor, and affection for your loved ones

6. Which lily species is called "the flower of the broken bowl"?

Lilium formosanum

7. How can lilies be propagated?

Both are true

8. What is the Lilium amabile also known as?

Friendly lily

9. Where is Lilium monadelphum from?

Crimea and to North and South Caucasus

10. What is Lilium longiflorum called?

The Easter lily
